
You can find different stores in Italy and abroad that carry GAIAVITTORIA items.

You can locate the store nearest to you, from the following non-exhaustive list.

Stores may contact us by email at to receive further information on our collections and for purchase orders.


AMR: via Martiri della Liberazione, 137/155 - 16043 Chiavari

ELLECI: via Enrico Toti, 9 - 74015 Martina Franca

FRIP MILANO: Corso di Porta Ticinese, 16 - 2012 Milano

GIANNI CUCCUINI: via Ricasoli, 33 - 57125 Livorno

RAVEN: via Dietro Chiesa, 6 - 12015 Limone Piemonte

ROSACOSOLA: via Generale Scattaglia, 2 - 70010 Adelfia

SLIDE STORE: via Porta S. Zeno, 19 - 37123 Verona

THREAD CONCEPT STORE: via Trieste, 1 - 25121 Brescia


AP STUDIO: Tokyo (Japan)

CLEMENTINE'S: 1054 Yonge St - M5R 3E2 Toronto (Canada)

KONCEPT45: Kralja Petra, 45 - 1100 Belgrade (Serbia)

VON PAULI: Krahnstraße 5, 52 - 49074 Osnabrück (Germany)